Traditional Media Artist based in Philadelphia area
Hello, I am Barry Lee, a traditional media artist and painter based near Philadelphia, PA. My work focuses on Native American and doing landscape.
I am inspired by the dancers at Powwows that I attend as an EmCee and also as an entertainer with the Native American musical group: Spirit Wing with my wife Barbara Andrews-Christy. Countless stories and lore of Native America are an inspiration to my work and life.
One will notice I rarely put a face on my subjects. (only in what I would call ‘historical’ do I put faces on) The Faceless Girl story, common in many different tribal lesson stories, is a story about beautiful girl, who was so vain, she would disparage all those around her, including her elders. The Creator took away her ability to see her own beauty, so that she may see the beauty in others. It is a lesson in humility.
I the coming weeks, I will be adding a page for Spirit Wing, our band, and for Barbara’s wonderful work in dichroic glass and beadwork.
We wish to thank so many who have bought our music and art, and those whom have been so kind and supportive during these last twenty some years of our band’s existence.